Active Directory (Audit & Report)

 Active Directory (Audit & Report)

import-module ActiveDirectory

Disables an Active Directory account.

Disables an Active Directory account.

Disable-ADAccount -Identity PattiFul

Enables an Active Directory account.

Enable-ADAccount -Identity "PattiFul"

Gets one or more Active Directory computers.

Get-ADComputer -Identity "User01-SRV1" -Properties *

Get-ADUser -filter {Enabled -eq "true"} | Format-Table -AutoSize
Get-ADUser -filter {Disabled -eq "true"} | Format-Table -AutoSize
Get-ADUser -Filter {mail -ne "null"} -Properties Name,GivenName,mail| Format-Table Name,GivenName,mail
# Displaying all users with the date and time their password was last set/reset
Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties Name,PasswordLastSet | Format-Table Name,PasswordLastSet
# user created date
Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties Name,whencreated | ft Name,WhenCreated

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